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Planned Giving


不管你为什么要把福克斯克罗夫特记在遗产规划里, planned gifts provide you with an opportunity to design a Foxcroft legacy that is meaningful to you.

Planned gifts provide donors with an opportunity to realize numerous benefits – including valuable tax benefits, augmented income, 多元化的投资组合, and even the possibility of making a larger gift than would otherwise be possible – and to create a lasting legacy at Foxcroft.


Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Whether it was your own walk — or your daughter's walk — through Miss Charlotte's Garden, 标志着你在福克斯克罗夫特经历的高潮, we hope as you look back that you reflect upon how Foxcroft prepared you for the world -- unique learning experiences, strong values, human connections, 以及一生的友谊.

这就是为什么许多人选择在他们的遗产规划中记住福克斯克罗夫特. 这样做是对过去的尊重,也是对未来的保证. We encourage you to consider making a planned gift to Foxcroft and becoming a member of “Forever Foxcroft”  so that it will continue to do for generations of young women what it has done so well for more than a century.


Forever Foxcroft

Forever Foxcroft is the giving society established in 1999 by the Board of Trustees to recognize individuals who have included Foxcroft School in their estate plans, 平衡他们的财务目标和慈善利益.

Their legacy gifts ensure that Foxcroft continues to attract and retain inspiring teachers, 财政援助将会到位, 校园将根据需要进行维护和升级. 福克斯克罗夫特永远拥抱所有校友, parents, and friends who have informed the School of its place in their financial or estate plans. 关于遗赠礼物的问题, 或者让我们知道福克斯克罗夫特也在你的计划之内, 请致电540与学院发展办公室联系.687.4510 or

我现在知道我对所有女孩都有责任, 我无法想象他们没有和我一样的机会 ... 所以我把福克斯克罗夫特写进了遗嘱.

— Dede Pickering, Class of 1971



Remembering Foxcroft in your will ensures that your support will be permanent and that your own needs will come first.

Insurance Gifts

A Gift Now or Later

人寿保险是给福克斯克罗夫特一个简单而实用的方法, whether you give an existing policy or take out a new one with Foxcroft in mind.

Charitable Lead Trust

A Legacy Shared & Redoubled

Charitable Lead Trusts lower your estate taxes rather than pay you income. Your lead trust benefits Foxcroft while increasing your family's inheritance by reducing estate taxes.

Retirement Gift Account


退休账户——401(k)和403(b)计划, IRAs, Keoghs, and others -- will be the major source of income for many people after retirement. 这些计划的捐款通常是免税的,而且通常是免税的.



A 慈善剩余信托基金 (CRT) provides flexible income for one or more beneficiaries for a time period of your choosing. In your hands, 还有你的导师, your CRT can provide for any and all of your family while also remembering Foxcroft.


是校友露丝·贝德福德2014年的遗赠, Foxcroft received a transformative gift of $40 million — the largest gift ever bestowed on a girls’ school in the United States, 也是那一年全国所有中学收到的最大一笔捐赠. 她的遗赠表达了她对太阳城电子app持久的感情.

把福克斯克罗夫特写进我的遗嘱就是说,‘谢谢你,夏洛特小姐! Thank you Foxcroft!' P.S. — Go Foxes!

— Pickett Randolph, Class of 1956